Tyler Guest

Computer Science Major | Machine Learning Enthusiast | email | github | resume


Currently working on an undergrad in Computer Science at the University of Michigan - Flint.
Interested in real-time systems engineering and experimenting with machine learning frameworks.
Striving to blend creativity with highly technical work to push boundaries of modern technology.


4kVerb | github.com/4kverb

Audio reverb VST plugin built with C++ and the JUCE framework.

oneComp | github.com/onecomp

Audio compressor VST plugin built with C++ and the JUCE framework.

3DQ | github.com/3dq

Experimental VST plugin GUI to explore advanced graphical user interface designs.


CSC 175 Problem Solving & Programming I [C++]

CSC 275 Problem Solving & Programming II [C++]

CSC 137 Fundamentals of Unix

CSC 365 Computer Architecture

CSC 375 Data Structures

MTH 121 Calculus 1

CIS 314 Computer Ethics